Tuesday, August 11, 2020

August 2020 Club Events



            We’ve updated our Fly of the Month contest for the rest of 2020.  Tie your best rendition of the fly of the month (this month’s fly is the foam grasshopper imitation – the Moorish Hopper, instructions on the Club’s website).  Submit a photo of your fly to – cornhuskerflyofthemonth@gmail.com by Sunday August 16th.  Once all the entries are submitted, a survey will be forwarded our club members to vote for their favorite fly of the month.  The winner will be announced on our August 20th live stream.

Thursday August 13th Larry and Eric will be tying carp flies on the Club’s Facebook Live Stream.  Tune in at 8pm!

Wednesday August 19th the Club will have a social distancing FISH OUT at Louisville State Park in Louisville, Nebraska.  Social distancing means maintaining a minimum one fly rod’s length from other people at all times.  There will not be a picnic or pot luck, you’re responsible for your own food and beverages.  The club will officially be there at 6pm, but feel free to show up earlier or stay late.  Please keep an eye on your email or our website for updates and possible cancellations.

Our Thursday August 20th Facebook Live stream will be all about catching Trout in Nebraska.  No Facebook account required, just follow the link from our club’s website, cornhuskerflyfishers.org. 

            Saturday and Sunday August 21st and 22nd will be the ROUGH FISH CHALLENGE.  Try and catch as many “rough” fish species as possible on the Fly from 6am Saturday morning until 9pm Sunday evening. Each species is 1 point for a possible total of 12 points.  Send in a picture of the captured fish with the secret “pass-code” for entry.  Species include: Longnose Gar, Shortnose Gar, Drum, Grass Carp, Common Carp, Smallmouth Buffalo, Bigmouth Buffalo, White Sucker, Redhorse, Quillback, Creek Chub, Goldeye, and Bullhead.  Tie breaker point will be given to Longest Creek Chub or Goldeye measured to nearest half inch.  Fish species must be properly identified.  Email the club cornhuskerflyfishers@gmail.com by Friday evening (8/21/20) to sign up.  The “pass-code” will be distributed late Friday evening.  Grand Prize – MARK FORSTER CUSTOM BUILT 7WT ROD!!!