Cornhusker Fly Fishers
Nebraska Fish Species Contest!
This is an ongoing contest to see how many fish you can catch on a fly in Nebraska. We have selected 27 fish species found in our state. These can be caught in any order.
To enter a fish, you need to submit a picture of the fish (and preferable with the angler!) to
Pictures of entries may also be posted in the tippet, on this website, our Facebook page and Instagram.
Follow along with the leaderboard all year here:
2025 Fish Species Leaderboard
The 3rd annual CFF Species Contest is ready to launch. This year we have selected 27 fish found in our state. If you can catch 8 of them, you will be recognized with a Bronze Award, 13 for a Silver Award, 18 fish for a Gold Award, 23 for a Platinum Award, and all 27 for the Diamond Award You can catch the 26 fish in any order. The contest will be open from February 1st through November 30th. Winners will be recognized with a certificate at our annual Christmas Meeting.
Did we forget a fish you caught? This year we added a “bonus fish”. This is any non-hybrid species not on the list that can qualify for your bonus fish. Possible species include, but are not limited to: Pumpkinseed, Orange spotted Sunfish, Goldfish, or any other rare or exotic species not otherwise listed.
To enter a fish, you need to submit a picture of the fish (and preferable with the angler!) to cornhuskerflyfishers@gmail.
The 27 fish are:
-Green Sunfish
-Redear Sunfish
-White Perch
-Yellow Perch
-Rock Bass
-Crappie (Black or White)
-Largemouth Bass
-Smallmouth Bass
-White Bass
-Hybrid Striped Bass (aka Wiper)
-Rainbow Trout
-Brown Trout
-Brook Trout
-Tiger Trout
-Cutthroat Trout
-Common Carp
-Grass Carp
-Any Gar (Shortnose, Longnose)
-Any Catfish (Channel, Bullhead, Flathead, Blue)
-Freshwater Drum
-Creek Chub
-Northern Pike
-Musky (or any Pike/Musky Hybrid)
-Bonus Fish (any non-hybrid species not listed above)
Contest rules:
-Fish must be caught on an artificial fly and fly rod.
-Fish must be caught from Feb 1st, 2025 through November 30th, 2025.
-Fish must be caught inside the State of Nebraska.
-Fish may be caught from shore or any watercraft.
-Fish caught via ice fishing do not count.
-Hybrid Fish will be counted as the parent species most identifiable, unless otherwise counted on the list (aka Musky and Hybrids, Wipers, Tiger Trout).
-Bonus fish cannot be a hybrid of listed species.
-Participates must submit a clear photo of each fish (and preferably, but not required, with the angler) for identification and entry to cornhuskerflyfishers@gmail.
All fishing regulation and license requirements must be followed.
-All decisions of the CFF Executive Board on acceptance or denial of an entry are final.
Ready? Set? GO FISH!