Our September club meeting is our annual Family Fishing night at Louisville State Recreation Area on Wednesday the 20th at 6:30 PM. Directions to Louisville SRA. This will be a pot luck dinner, so please bring an entree, side dish, or dessert to share. The club will be providing hot dogs and fried fish, as well as cold drinks. We'll also have a full raffle with some great prizes. Bring your favorite 5 weight outfit for our annual casting competition to take place throughout the evening. The fly of the month is your favorite ant pattern (many online recipes). And don't forget to bring some of your favorite bass and/or panfish flies. Louisville Lake #2 is one of the best largemouth bass fisheries this side of the state.
Saturday the 23rd, the club will be having a Fish-Out at Prairie Queen reservoir from 10am to 2pm. We'll have a pot luck lunch with the club providing hot dogs and drinks, feel free to bring a dessert or side to share. Please come out and enjoy the late summer weather!!!