Our October Club meeting is in LINCOLN..... I REPEAT... LINCOLN..... At the Nebraska Game & Parks - Outdoor Education Center
We're meeting at the Nebraska Game and Parks Outdoor Education Center at 4703 N 44th St, Lincoln, NE 68504 on Wednesday October 18th. We'll have a great guest speaker and a full raffle with GREAT prizes!!! Doors open at 630 and meeting starts at 7.
Our fly of the month is the Rabbit Strip Zonker. Check out our Fly of the Month Page and bring your best rendition to the meeting to show off your tying skills!
We have our annual Rainbow Trout Club Fish-Out October 21st at Holmes Lake in Lincoln!
Directions Here to Holmes Lake.
The Club will provide hot dogs and drinks at 12 PM on the north side of the lake. Feel free to bring a side dish or dessert to share. We hope to see you there!
Click Here to Check out the NEG&P Rainbow Trout stocking schedule.