September Fly of the Month!
Be sure to tune into Facebook live on Sept. 9th at 8pm
for Eric and Larry's Fly tutorial.
Fly submissions are due Sept. 12th at midnight.
Send those pics into
We will vote by an online survey and announce the winners at the next meeting!
Meeting will be at Mahoney State Park
at the Century Link Lake at 6pm on September 15th.
Have fun and good luck!
El Camino Stonefly Foam Dry Fly
Hook: #6-#12 Tiemco 200R
Thread: Black 3/0 Monocord or 6/0 UniThread
Legs: Medium orange-barred rubber legs
Overbody: Cinnamon Fly Foam, 2mm
Body: Rusty Brown Ice Dub
Overwing: Dyed Orange cow elk or deer hair
Underwing: Pearl Midge Flash
Indicator: 1.5mm Orange Fly Foam